Monday 9 February 2015

Readiness Test Solution oDesk - Elance

Naz Fashions | 10:09 | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
This time i want to say something about odesk readiness test solutions .
I am sure odesk readiness test is so easy to pass if you follow our answer. You will must be passed for this test answer. Thank you..
Readiness, Odesk answer, Elance Answer, Answer, Test, Skills, odesk,

Question no.1: the oDesk team application time tracker records which of the following:

Ans: all of the above

Question no.2: can i start my own agency on oDesk?

Ans: yes!you can create an agency and earn money by selling the services of your agency construtors.

Question no.3: which of the following are NOT  permitted on oDesk?

Ans: all of the above. 

Question no.4: which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job posting?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.5: what happens when a contract ends?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.6: which of the following is FALSE about weekly limits on hourly contracts?

Ans: the weekly limit can be changed by the constractor.

Question no.7: which of the following is TRUE about fixed contracts?

Ans: how much to pay and when to pay is at the employer's discretion.

Question no.9: which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk Work Dairy ?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.10: which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk dispute process?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.11: which of the following are required to qualified for guaranteed payment?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.12: which of the following statements about oDesk fees is FALSE?

Ans: the Odesk fee is $2/hour for hourly contracts  .

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Cover Letter for Data Entry - oDesk-Elance

Naz Fashions | 09:59 | | | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Applying, Cover Letter, Data Entry, Elance Cover Letter, odesk, Odesk answer, Odesk Cover Letter, Online Earning, Skills, Test,
Dear Hiring Manager,

Today I have found this job post in oDesk, and I’m very interested in your job post involving these skills. I have good experience in data entry, web research, Google documents and MS Office. My typing speed is more than 50 words per minute. I believe my skills would be ideal for your project. I can complete this job within the required time period.

“Moving forward, I can dedicate 30 hours/week for your job, and my daily hours are negotiable. I’m very excited to offer my services for your job. Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss this position further.”

I am mostly online on yahoo messenger and skype. We can discuss there in details in a quick way, if you are interested.


Your Name
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oDesk Elance Advertising Skills Certification test

Naz Fashions | 09:53 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Advertising, Advertising Skills Certification test, Answer, Elance Cover Letter, Odesk Cover Letter, Skills, Test, Web Developer,  

Q.1: When in a film, the main character is shown using an item of a definite brand, what kind of advertising is being used?

 a. Wallpaper

 b. White label

 c. Brand enforced

 d. Covert

Q.2: An Ad in the Island position of a newspaper is on the editorial page.

 a. True

 b. False

Q.3: What does a ‘Spot’ mean in advertising?

 a. Radio/Television advertisements

 b. Fashion advertisements

 c. Business advertisements

 d. Consumer durable advertisements

Q.4: The Research and Planning Department of an advertising firm works collectively with the _____?

 a. production team

 b. creative team

 c. media

 d. accounts team

Q.5: In which kind of advertising is consumer generated content incorporated?

 a. Involvement marketing

 b. Affinity marketing

 c. Communal marketing

 d. Personal story marketing

Q.6: What does “spec” mean in advertising?

 a. It means work that is done for a client without a contract or job order

 b. It means work that has been produced in the media

 c. It means work that has been approved by the media

 d. It means work that has been copied from some source

Q.7: What is a brand said to have achieved when its recognition builds to a point where that brand enjoys a critical mass of positive sentiment in the market place?

 a. Critical brand identity recall

 b. Critical brand awareness recall

 c. Brand franchise

 d. Default brand inclination

Q.8: In 1950s, they were known as ‘slogans’. What are they now known as?

 a. Catchphrase

 b. Marketing line

 c. Trademark line

 d. Tagline

Q.9: The agency that specializes in mail packages, postcards and other mailing items is known as a/an_____?

 a. interactive agency

 b. in- house agency

 c. technical agency

 d. direct agency

Q.10: What does a campaign mean?

 a. A series of ads that follow the same strategy or objective

 b. A series of ads presented to the high tech clients only

 c. A term used frequently in direct mail packages

 d. None of the above

Q.11: Which words can be seen at the bottom of a Pro Bono ad?

 a. Ad Caption

 b. Ad Corporate

 c. Ad Council

 d. Ad Community

Q.12: Where are the Press Kits used as a promotional activity?

 a. At a press conference

 b. In bulletin boards

 c. In radio announcements

 d. In brochures

Q.13: What information does a strategic brief contain?

 a. Current beliefs of the consumers about the products

 b. Information on the competitor and the appropriate format

 c. A hypothesis of the strategic actions to be taken

 d. All of the above

Q.14: Copywriters are people who read, write and create ______?

 a. songs

 b. dialogues

 c. advertisements

 d. All of the above

Q.15: Which of the following options refers to last minute advertising?

 a. Remnant advertising

 b. Covert advertising

 c. Public service advertising

 d. Surrogate advertising

Q.16: Which of the following is true about infomercials?

 a. They help to create brand awareness only

 b. They are targeted to trigger an impulse purchase

 c. They rely heavily on testimonials

 d. They help to supplement sales of leading brands

Q.17: In the terminology of advertising, ‘Standard Agency Protocol’ means:

 a. How an agency likes to operate

 b. How an agency likes to communicate

 c. How an agency likes to be perceived

 d. How an agency likes to make sales

Q.18: In advertising a short, introductory headline above the main headline but in smaller type is called:

 a. Leading title

 b. Overline/Eyebrow

 c. Pre-heading

 d. Leading headline

Q.19: The tag line of Domino’s Pizza says, “You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less — or it’s free.” This Tag line is conveying The _________ of Domino’s Pizza.

 a. Unique selling proposition

 b. Unique perceived benefit

 c. Point of difference

Q.20: What does the term ‘Buckslip’ in direct mail packages mean?

 a. A slip of paper in credit card bills

 b. The main copy in the ad

 c. A copy that points short, concise sales points

 d. None of the above

Q.21: The higher the __________of a brand, company, celebrity or television show, the more highly regarded will be its appeal and familiarity.

 a. P score

 b. S score

 c. Q score

 d. M score

Q.22: ________is an ad about an ad.

 a. Pseudo advertising

 b. Meta advertising

 c. Self advertising

 d. Recursive advertising

Q.23: A copywriter working for a single client is said to be part of a/an __________?

 a. interactive agency

 b. retail agency

 c. in-house agency

 d. general agency

Q.24: What does Pro Bono Work mean in advertising?

 a. Providing services with minimal charges

 b. Providing services with a high amount of profit

 c. Providing services with maximum charges

 d. Providing services free of cost

Q.25: A showcase of the copywriter’s work or collection of sample advertisements is known as.

 a. brochure

 b. commercial

 c. portfolio

 d. write-up
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oDesk Cover Letter for Web Developer

Naz Fashions | 09:49 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Answer, Applying, Marketing, odesk, Odesk answer, Odesk Cover Letter, Test, Web Developer,
Good day sir,

I have checked everything on your post and I'm apparent to let you know that I've expertness and commercial experience in this category with excellent feedback .I've been  professionally engaged as  web & SEO analyzer, web developing, web content writer . Hire me and get your job done perfectly ,honestly and  in trusted way.

Looking forward to get started ASAP Thanks
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How to Answer the Questions when Applying for the job in odesk

Naz Fashions | 09:46 | | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Answer, Applying, Elance Cover Letter, Marketing, odesk, Odesk answer, Odesk Cover Letter, Online Earning, Test,
Question: "How is answering stupid questions that have nothing to do with the job or what the client needs going to help you understand the client?"

oDesk Answers: " It's going to help the client understand that you give attention to detail.I'm sorry you feel that way, but as a client, this is helpful. It's a very quick way to filter through dozens of applications to see who actually takes time to read the job application - if their answers are generic or lame, then it's a good hint to me that they're going to take the same attitude to reading the specs and communications and could cause development time to blow out. "
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Cover Letter for Marketing and Communications Professionals

Naz Fashions | 09:43 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Your full name
Dear Sir
I, (your name), currently working at (Company Name) as an ...........,  I believe that everyone needs to make the best use of technology and not let it leave us behind. With this as a life long philosophy, I decided to take up my career in my previous profession. I intend to make the best of it in terms of providing my customer relation and marketing professionalism.
My resume talks about it and I am sure that you will derive much information from it regarding my suitability for a position of marketing and communications professional. I am interested to work where I am positive of my ability to provide excellence in devising marketing strategies that go hand in hand with today’s technology. As far as digital marketing is concerned, I have the capability to plan and execute technologically savvy marketing plans.

In addition, I have great enthusiasm for ongoing learning and acknowledging the need to learn in order to accommodate change. I am able to work with others of different ages, gender, race, religion and political beliefs. I am able to read and speak different languages which help me to communicate with people from different backgrounds better.
I believe I am a candidate for the position you are looking for because of my skills stated in my attached CV and above. I have the confidence the job requirement you have stated I could easily handle it with commitment during tough and difficult situations. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to talking to you further and can be contacted by calling (Cell number) and emailing (valid email id) with me.
Your name
& Signature
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How to Write Odesk and Elance Cover Letter

Naz Fashions | 09:41 | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Agency Account, Answer, Elance Cover Letter, Odesk answer, Odesk Cover Letter, Online Earning, Test,
The Basics

Every cover letter should be unique and tailored to the job you're applying for. We recommend that you write every cover letter from scratch, targeting the specific needs of that particular job. You cannot edit your cover letter once you submit it, so take the time to check for spelling and grammar mistakes before you apply.

The Background

Before you begin writing your cover letter:
  • The cover letter entry field is a basic plain text editor. That means you cannot format your text with things like bold, italic, headings, and hyperlinks. 
  • The form does not accept any formatting tags like HTML, BBCode, or Wiki. 
  • oDesk will automatically turn any URLs you include into clickable links. 
  • There is no spell checker in the cover letter form from oDesk, although it may be available through your browser.
While you’re writing your cover letter:
  • Say hello in a friendly way. If you know the client's name, then use it. If you don't know the client’s name, a simple "Hello" will do. Avoid "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir." Neither salutations add warmth or value and may even be considered offensive or "spammy."
  • Make your first sentence compelling. Your introduction provides a first impression and summary of your qualifications for the job. Your first line is visible to all potential clients who scan the candidate list.
  • Include a clear, concise, and brief description of your related skills and experience.
  • Be honest.
  • Describe why you feel that you are the best person for the job. Be specific about who and what you can do. Crystallize your ideas in simple, declarative sentences.
  • State your availability and how many hours you can realistically work each week separately from your job skills and professional experience. 
  • Let the client know when they can contact you, your time zone, and what venues the clients can use to talk to you (such as chat, phone, or email), should they want to move on to the invitation to interview.
  • Be sure to read the job description completely, in case the client requests specific information or other things. Make sure you address everything the client specifically asks for.
    • Some clients will include a math problem, a phrase to repeat, or a special keyword at the end of the description to "test" candidates to be certain that they read the job carefully and with great attention to detail.
  • Summarize what you offer to prospective clients. Close your cover letter by repeating your interest in their job and your understanding of the client's needs.
  • Check your word count. Your cover letter should be about 200 to 250 words.
After you write your cover letter but before you send it, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Have you been selective in your job search? Success comes to those who only apply for jobs that "fit." If a job specifies Preferred Qualifications and you do not meet those qualifications, your time is better spent applying to jobs you're more qualified for.
  • What is your job application limit? oDesk sets a limit or quota on the number of job applications you can submit. However, it is not a requirement you must fulfill. You can increase your job application quota by successfully completing the oDesk Readiness Test, verifying your identity, and then taking additional free skills tests.

The Details

Of course, you can compose, edit, and revise your cover letter within the text entry box on the job application page, but we recommend you do the following instead:
  1. Write your cover letter in the word processor of your choice, spell check, and revise it there. 
  2. Once you have your cover letter ready, copy and paste it into the cover letter text entry field on the Apply to Job page. 
  3. Read through your cover letter one more time to make sure you didn’t miss anything you should correct. Pay attention to the formatting as well to ensure that it’s still okay.  

 If you have difficulty editing your own work, ask a friend to check it before you submit your application.
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How to remove odesk agency account?

Naz Fashions | 05:21 | | | | | | Be the first to comment!

odesk, Agency Account, Answer, Odesk answer, Online Earning, Test,
It is too difficult for agency managers to remove their agency accounts. You can not remove your account by yourself, you have to get the live support from odesk customer care.

But there are something you need to know before removing your agency account:

First of all please check if there are job applications that you were submitted under your agency account. If yes please withdraw all those job applications and submit e request to have a chat with customer care agent. He/She will help you to remove your agency account.
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