Thursday 10 March 2016

Involvement of Community Workers to Make a Better Society

Naz Fashions | 03:41 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
There are many community organisations to run a society smoothly. And a community organisation runs with the help of some community workers. Deprived of the direct participation of the community workers, it would not have been probable to achieve the huge tasks of keeping a community. The community workers hold many positions and work so to take the community on the way to prosperity. They deliver a wide range of services to public.

Meets The Needs of Community:

Community workers are the heart of a community. Most of the community workers are young in age and filled with vigour. They are occupied with innovative as well as creative ideas to meet new challenges ahead. They meet all the needs of individuals and community as well in priority basis.

Conducts Welfare Programmes:

Community workers run different welfare programmes for the betterment of the common people of the society including individuals to different groups. People are highly benefitted from such welfare programmes of specific issues like summer programmes, advisory and crisis response etc.

Emergency Backings:

The community workers provide instant and emergency support to people whenever needed and over any issues. People may consult with any issues at the community offices located at surrounding areas. The community workers offer a cordial mental and physical but professional support instantly as much possible to the common people.

Health Education:

Community workers are sometimes involved in teaching different health related teaching programmes to common people. The programmes are structured to make people aware about the common health issues through advice and guidance. 

Battle the Social Challenges:

Community workers are always engaged with fighting social challenges. Whenever they find any fault in the existing social norms, they start preventing it. They try to eliminate the prejudices and superstitions from common people of the society. At times they literally fight with the existing norms and behaviours to bring a positive change. 

Develops the Youth:

Community workers sometimes recruit young people to assist in different volunteering services. They engage and train the young population in diversified programmes like after-school programmes, and other extra-curricular activities. These programmes transform the youths to a higher intellectual level. Thus the community workers play a key role to develop the youths of a society.

Low Cost Service:

A smart payment is not a fact for the community workers. Most of the services offered by a community organisation are lower in cost. The community workers perform the tasks with sincerity against the marginal payment provided by the community people.

Works with Slim Budget:

The community organisations have to run with the support provided by the community people. Thus they cannot afford a big budget to make any programme. The community workers are to perform the task within the limited budget

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